Tuesday, October 13, 2009

well don't i feel silly.

Today I went to a class that was cancelled. Actually, it's been cancelled the whole time, I just neglected to notice it on the syllabus. Luckily, I wasn't the only one, and got to chat with a kid from Texas for a few minutes while I recovered from my mad dash from one building to another.

I have my first math exam tomorrow and a biology presentation. Dun dun dun. News on this to come.

On a different note, I started a new personal project today. I have a tree in front of my room, and it's in the process of changing colors from summer its summer green to its autumnal reds. Everyday I'm going to take a picture of it and then put it together in some sort of movie showing it changing. I'm aware that this has been done, and I'm angry I didn't start when the tree was completely green, but oh well. I think my biggest worry is that I'll fall out of my window when taking said pictures.

I suppose that tree is somewhat like me. It is ever changing, but in a routine manner. Next summer, I will return home, and get to see everyone that I knew and loved from high school. Then in the fall, I'll return to the university to be introduced to an entirely new slew of people, with a few near and dear ones thrown back in. So on and so forth, at least for the next couple years.

However, someday this will be forever changed. Eventually I'll have my own place to live, and my circle of friends will morph into something entirely different than what I used to know. This is where my similarity with that tree ends. I will move on to bigger and better things, this stupid tree will not budge. And it will continually change colors, lose its leaves, and grow slightly: until it dies.

In short, I don't want to end up like the tree. I don't want to grow complacent with my life, and develop such a predictable routine that everyone could calculate exactly where I would be at any given time. But at the same time, my undeniable fear of change is tugging at my heels, and urging me to cling to the past like there's no tomorrow. This blog is to help me monitor my so-called, "moral and psychological evolution," I've decided. So I can both keep track of memories and where exactly I'm headed.

I apparently do a lot of thinking when I don't have to sit through another mind-numbing archaeology lecture. A few other things that are somewhat noteworthy: the lab work is going well, as is the boy situation, and my blistered hand is healing nicely.

Anyway, time to go scavenge food and try and loosen my roots a bit.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blog, Kate. It sounds as if you are one of the rare people who are getting as much as you can out of your college experience - meaning you appreciate it now as opposed to wishing you had made the most of it many years down the road. Paranormal Activity? I would love to see it, but have observed that many people can't sleep after they do! Love, Aunt Julie
