Thursday, October 8, 2009

the lucky scarf.

I am currently in a fantastic mood, and I've decided to attribute it to the return of my lucky scarf. I'm not superstitious, but throughout the day, while wearing it, a lot more good things have happened to me, than if I had left it at home in the closet.

Well first off, I like the way the scarf looks. Although it's the green and white, it still very much resembles something I would wear during the winter at Hogwarts.

But anyway. I was at home today, ran a regionals site for my high school's varsity boy's tennis team. They made it to the state tournament. My current boy interest has stopped being a colossal ass-hat. I got a cookie from a club meeting I went to. I passed my integral gateway exam for calculus, earning me ten extra credit points for the class. I found five dollars under my bed today, and the spare key I was worrying I lost. Tomorrow is Friday!

However, one thing bothered me today. I went to Tim Horton's this morning, for a hot chocolate, being that it was colder this morning that it has been all year. I paid my $1.60, then drove off the the tennis courts where I'd be working, and then decided to taste the beverage.

It was coffee. That tasted astonishingly watery. I drank it anyway, but was left with gross breath until I bummed some gum off of someone. Coincidentally enough, I didn't have the scarf on when I placed my unfortunate order.

I would not have had coffee breath had they gotten my order right. I feel bad for the person who ended up with MY drink, and I wonder how they handled the surprise.

I hope they made a scene. It makes me feel slightly mischievous is MY drink was the weapon in a scenario, or a projectile. It's almost like my order caused a sequence of events that lead to something momentous.

However, I have managed to cope with the fact that this probably didn't happen.

P.S. There were two cops in line in front of me for the drive-thru at Timmy Ho's. I couldn't help but laugh.

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